
While erosion is one component of a greater, natural cycle the erosion south of Princeton Harbor is not. The highly accelerated erosion is due to the harbors interference with this natural cycle. The poorly-engineered Princeton Harbor has stripped our beach’s two main sources of new sand. In a normal cycle, the prevailing north-south ocean current as well as rivers/creeks provide beaches with new sand balancing out forces that take sand away. (erosion due to wave action, and the north-south current). In our current, human-impacted cycle, sand flowing north from south does not make it to our beaches as it has to clear the outer-most break wall (more than a mile off shore). In addition, the 4 main creeks that for thousands of years have provided new sand to area beaches now all terminate within the harbor. As a result, the forces of erosion on our beaches remain unchecked and the impact of this can be seen clearly by anyone who cares to open their eyes.

The beaches are all but gone revealing the rocks and clay that lay underneath. The bluff tops are disappearing at an amazing pace. The coastal trail (the main means by which people access and enjoy our coastline) has become unsafe due to its new proximity to sheer cliff and will need to be re-routed. The miramar bridge is on the verge of being condemned which will require walkers and bicyclers to have to go on the beach or up to HWY 1 to make their way north or south. Businesses on Mirada Rd. (some who have been there for 100 years) are at real risk of being inaccessible. And…the list goes on.

Those whom have witnessed the destruction of these natural resources over years and decades have become increasingly disturbed with lack of corrective or preventative action. Those beurocratic organizations “officially” responsible have been largely impotent in their efforts to address and have literally pontificated the issue for over the better part of a century.

“We, the people…”, have organized www.savehmbbeaches.org in an effort to effect an actionable and sustainable solution to preserve our beaches and bluff tops. Through increasing awareness, unifying the public voice, and applying leverage to those that have “official” domain over these resources we hope to bring back our beaches and preserve what is left of our bluff tops.

We invite you to join the www.savehmbbeaches.org cause by educating yourself on the facts (most of which are provided on our website) and helping to increase awareness around this most important issue. It is through, organization, education, determination and positive intention that we WILL create change and GET OUR BEACHES BACK!